12/12/2012 - Permalink

Sweyney Bridge strengthening work to start

Related topics: Community

Work to strengthen Sweyney Bridge, which carries the Broseley to Coalport road over a disused railway track near Station House, is due to start on Monday 14 January 2013 and last for 9 to 10 weeks. 

The work will include installing ground anchors to stabilise the bridge’s wing and spandrel walls, carrying out extensive structural repairs to the bridge’s arch barrel, and improving the vertical alignment of the road over the bridge. 

Although most of the proposed work will be carried out with the road open under traffic light control, it will unfortunately be necessary to close it on occasions in March 2013. The bridge will therefore be closed between 4pm and midnight on Mondays to Fridays between 11 March 2013 and 22 March 2013. 

When the bridge is closed, traffic will be diverted via Broseley, The Free Bridge, The Lloyds and Coalport High Street. 

The proposed work is expected to cost approximately £190,000, with Alun Griffiths (Contractors) Ltd carrying it out. 

The nearby Woodbridge Inn will remain open for business as usual throughout the proposed work. 

Simon Jones, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member responsible for bridge maintenance, said: 

‘‘It is appreciated that the proposed work will cause some inconvenience, and everyone involved will do all that they reasonably can to keep this to a minimum.

‘’The proposed road closures have been deliberately programmed to happen between 4pm and midnight  in an attempt to minimise disruption to local businesses and residents.”

 Jean Jones, local Shropshire Councillor for Broseley, said:-

“This will affect a major access road into and out of Broseley, and we are sorry for any disruption that the work may cause.  It is essential safety work and the council has undertaken to limit the road closure as far as possible.”