11/12/2012 - Permalink

Scrutiny committed to support the transformation of adult social care

Related topics: Community

Shropshire Council’s Safe and Confident Communities Scrutiny Committee is helping to ensure vulnerable adults have a wider range of support that enables them to remain independent and active members of their communities for as long as possible.

A report on the Peer Review for Adult Social Care was presented to members at the scrutiny committee last week, along with a detailed plan of action prepared in response to the review undertaken in September 2012. 

The Peer Review on Adult Social Care was a constructive appraisal on the extent of how the council is planning, commissioning and delivering better social care.  The Peer Review team comprised of a group of experienced people skilled in adult social care who come together to act as a critical friend to the council and its partners. 

The team felt that Shropshire had a good understanding of the challenges and issues facing it, a good understanding of the activities that were needed to address these, and a number of innovative services in place.  It was also noted that staff were committed, worked hard and were well motivated.  They also concluded that political leadership was good, and that there were plans in place to transform both the council and adult services.

Whilst acknowledging and recognising the achievements in responding to the challenges in Shropshire, the review also looked at areas for improvement, and came up with a series of recommendations to assist in addressing these challenges.  Some of these include:

  • stimulating new providers and ensuring quality outcomes
  • strengthening commissioning
  • maximising assistive technologies across all partners
  • enhancing personalisation – recognition that Shropshire has more work to do in this area
  • maximising the use of volunteers and the building of community capacity
  • the basis for a transformational approach exists and with robust leadership can be delivered
  • ensuring staff understand the approach and what is required to get there. 

As well as endorsing the action plan arising from the Peer Review, scrutiny members also recommended:

  • that processes arising from the action plan be considered at forthcoming meetings of the Safe and Confident Communities Scrutiny Committee
  • that the Chairman of the Safe and Confident Communities Scrutiny Committee be updated on the work of the Scrutiny Review Task and Finish Group
  • that the Scrutiny Review Task and Finish Group give consideration to the findings of the Adult Social Care Peer Review in respect of scrutiny
  • that consideration be given to holding an additional joint (Health and Safe and Confident Communities) scrutiny meeting focussing on transformation in adult social care.  

Joyce Barrow, Chairman of the Safe and Confident Communities Scrutiny Committee, said;

“It is very important to recognise that Shropshire Council’s adult social care services has a number of successes which can be built on to address the issues it faces.

“The Peer Review concluded that Shropshire faces an unprecedented challenges responding to increased demands for services, increased expectations by users and their carers whilst responding to challenging financial pressures.

“Following a constructive appraisal from the Peer Review, by ensuring these actions outlined in the action plan are carried out, we can help to make sure that the most vulnerable members of our community can lead the lives they wish to lead and, at the same time ensure that everyone has a better understanding of what we are delivering and how we are moving forward.”

Following the review, The Peer Challenge Team thanked staff, people using services, councillors, partners, and other stakeholders for their open and constructive responses during the review process.