14/12/2012 - Permalink

North planning committee decisions – 11 December

Related topics: Community

The following planning decisions were made by Shropshire Council’s north planning committee at its meeting at Edinburgh House, Wem on Tuesday 11 December 2012.

Field At Vantage Farm Bletchley Road Bletchley Market Drayton – 12/01367/EIA
Erection of 6No poultry units, 14No feed bins, a biomass store, boiler room and ancillary buildings including 6No control rooms and office; construction of weigh bridge; formation of new access, road improvements, landscape scheme; installation of 4 x 53No mono crystaline solar panels on roof of shed No 3.


That members were minded to refuse planning permission against the Officer’s recommendation for the following reason: 

1.  The proposal was considered to be a large scale development that would create an unacceptable adverse environmental impact; the proposal was an inappropriate scale, context and character that did not protect, restore, conserve or enhance the local built and historic environment; and the works to the highway would adversely impact on the character and distinctiveness of the local area, and was therefore contrary to Policy CS5, CS6 and CS17 of Shropshire Council’s Core Strategy. 

A further report would therefore be considered at a future meeting of this Committee in accordance with Shropshire Council’s Constitution.

The Farm Buildings The Firs Ruyton XI Towns – 12/03085/FUL
Erection of a 50kw micro generation wind turbine with control box (mast height 36m, rotor diameter 19.2m).

Decision: That planning permission be granted in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.

Proposed Wind Turbine West Of The Oaks Bagley Ellesmere – 12/03912/FUL
Installation of one wind turbine to a height of 38.05m (hub) and 49.55m to blade tip.

Decision: That planning permission be granted in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.

Land At Rear Of Tilings Whittington Road Gobowen – 11/04564/OUT
Outline application with some matters reserved for a residential development and alterations to access road to include demolition of existing building.

Decision: That planning permission be refused in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.

Residential Development Site South Of Braemar Elson Ellesmere – 12/01638/OUT
Outline application (access, landscaping, layout and scale) for residential development of 7 no. dwellings.

Decision: That this item be deferred until a future meeting of this Committee, to allow the Committee to undertake a site visit to assess the impact of the proposal on the surrounding area and neighbouring properties.

Land Off Abbots Way Hodnet – 12/01818/FUL
Mixed residential development comprising 50 dwellings (including affordable), creation of vehicular access (from Station Road) and estate roads; pedestrian/cyclists route; creation of public open space; conversion and extension of outbuildings to garaging for existing properties; to include some demolition of buildings.

Decision: That planning permission be refusedagainst the Officer’s recommendation. 

1.  Taking into account the local context and character, the layout and design of the proposed site would create a cramped form of development and should be evenly spread across the site, there was insufficient provision of street lighting, garages and bin storage areas which was considered to be out of character with the surrounding area and would adversely affect the amenities of the future residents and wider area.  As such the proposal is contrary to Policy CS6 of Shropshire Council’s Core Strategy.

Proposed Affordable Housing Development East Of Park Meadow Park Hall – 12/01848/FUL
Erection of 18 affordable dwellings; formation of vehicular access and estate roads.


That, subject to: 

  • Additional Conditions as requested by Highways Development Control regarding the provision of a full engineering design and a Construction Management Plan; and 
  • Condition 3, as detailed within the report, be amended to read as follows “The external materials and their colour shall be as shown on the deposited plan or specified in the application.” 

Planning permission be granted in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation as detailed. 

 Land At Upper Chirk Bank Chirk Bank – 12/04031/OUT
Outline application for the erection of 7No dwellings (all matters reserved).


Decision: That this item be deferred until a future meeting of this Committee, to allow the Committee to undertake a site visit to assess the impact of the proposal on the surrounding area and neighbouring properties.


9 Roundwood Close Oswestry – 12/04273/FUL
Two storey side extension and single storey conservatory extension to dwelling.

Decision: That planning permission be granted in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.

For further information relating to each of the decisions go to our online planning register and search for an application by using the appropriate reference number or keyword.