12/12/2012 - Permalink

New permit scheme for roadworks

Related topics: Community

Shropshire Council is looking to introduce a permit scheme for utility companies wishing to work on the county’s roads, following approval by Cabinet last month (Wednesday 14 November 2012).

Currently, companies notify the council of any planned work to repair pipes or access cables underneath the roads.  Emergency works need no prior notification.

The introduction of a permit scheme, which could be in place in September 2013, will mean that companies would be required to get a permit first in a bid to reduce the number of roadworks taking place at short notice.

Although approved by Cabinet, the scheme will still need approval from the Department for Transport.

Simon Jones, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member responsible for highways, said:

“The introduction of a permit scheme should go a long way to reducing disruption on the county’s roads.  It will enable us to control the utilities companies going onto our roads, and therefore manage our network in the most efficient way.”

It is expected to cost around £150,000 to establish a business case and set up the scheme. The scheme has the potential to bring in revenue of between £200,000 and £920,000 per year.  However, the council can’t make revenue on the scheme, but can cover all costs they incur by running it.