Investment boost for Shrewsbury Business Park
Shropshire Council’s Cabinet has approved a £1.5m investment by the council in the next phase of the Shrewsbury Business Park development – a move which will help to create more than 600 jobs at the site.
The investment was agreed by Cabinet at their meeting last week (12 December 2012).
It will create a new access road from Wenlock Road to Anchorage Avenue, extend the existing access road, and provide over six acres of employment land for new office development.
Planning permission has already been granted to developer, Alaska, to develop 15,000 square metres of office space and a small local centre including shops to serve the business park – helping to generate over £13m of private sector investment and create more than 600 jobs.
This £1.5m investment from Shropshire Council will put in place the infrastructure needed before the new offices and other buildings can be built.
The infrastructure work should be complete by mid-2014, when the site will be available for development.
Mike Owen, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for business growth and prosperity, said:
“This investment is a great vote of confidence by the council in the development of our premier business park and the future economic development of Shrewsbury and Shropshire, helping to attract millions of pounds of investment to the area and create hundreds of jobs.”
Alan Hay from Alaska, said:
“At a time of great restraint, the council has shown courage by investing in infrastructure. This is exactly what Government should be doing. This investment will, in itself, generate jobs for a variety of trades and skills and spread much-needed cash into the local community. It then frees Alaska to build and invest in the future of this great town, bringing employment for the next generation. So a big “thank-you” to Shropshire Council for a bold move.”