Invite to share views on health priorities for Shropshire
People are invited to share their views on priorities which have been set out to improve the health and wellbeing of the population of Shropshire.
Thoughts and ideas are sought on the Draft Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Shropshire which outlines the long-term vision for health and wellbeing in the county and identifies the immediate priority areas for action.
The draft strategy aims to describe how resources can be targeted where they will have greatest impact in meeting people’s health and wellbeing needs.
The document has been developed by Shropshire Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board which is a partnership between Shropshire Council and the Shropshire Clinical Commissioning Group. It will be delivered in partnership by a range of private, public, voluntary and community organisations.
The strategy is based on evidence produced from a comprehensive assessment of Shropshire’s population, called the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment, and feedback gained at events held with partner organisations, groups representing patients and people using services, providers of services and others.
People can share their views by filling in an online survey here.
Councillor Ann Hartley, Shropshire Council Cabinet member for health and well-being, said:
“We know from evidence and experience that overall the health and wellbeing of people in Shropshire is good and life expectancy is higher than the national average. However, as more of us live longer, we want to ensure that we are able to maintain good health, and the quality of our lives, for longer, and we want to reduce inequalities in health as some people do not have the same opportunities as others.
“This is a chance to let us know if we have got the priorities right and how we can improve health and wellbeing services in the future.”
Councillor Keith Barrow, Shropshire Council leader and chair of the Shropshire Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board said:
“We want people to tell us if they agree with the priorities put forward.
“This does not mean that work to address other health and wellbeing issues will not happen. There is already a lot of good work going on in the county, including initiatives that will contribute to our vision and outcomes – but this will help us to focus where there is the greatest need.
“It is important that as many different people as possible tell us what they think so please take five to ten minutes to complete the survey.”
Dr Caron Morton, accountable officer for Shropshire Clinical Commissioning Group, added:
“In determining what our collective priorities across health and social care should be, we have made use of data and statistics as well as speaking to commissioners, providers and stakeholders. However, we want to hear from the people who use these services, do you agree that these should be our priorities? I would like to encourage people to share their thoughts and help shape local health services.
“We all need to work together, as individuals, in our families and as part of our communities to look after our health and wellbeing and support those around us. This strategy belongs to all of us, and we all have our part to play.”
People have until Sunday 30 September 2012 to fill in the survey. For more information about the survey or to request the survey in another format contact Carolyn Healy by emailing or calling 01743 252248.
Further information
The vision outlined in the strategy is: “Everyone living in Shropshire is able to flourish by leading healthy lives, reaching their full potential and making a positive contribution to their communities.”
The priorities are grouped under the following outcomes:
• People are empowered to make better lifestyle and health choices for their own, and their family’s health and wellbeing
• Better emotional and mental health and wellbeing for all
• Older people and those with long term conditions remain independent for longer
• Health inequalities are reduced
• Health, social care and wellbeing services are accessible, good quality and ‘seamless’
The priorities include:
• Reversing the rising trend in obesity levels
• Improving the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people, by focusing on prevention and early support
• Reducing smoking during pregnancy in the most deprived areas
As part of the Government’s reforms of the NHS, health and wellbeing boards are being established within local authority areas. Shropshire Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board’s role is to oversee how local NHS and social care budgets are spent.
Another part of the health reforms is the establishment of Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) to commission local NHS services. The CCGs currently hold delegated responsibility for the commissioning of all services which will formally transfer to them on 1 April 2013. The role of the CCG therefore includes the designing and buying of the vast majority of local health services, including hospital services, cancer treatment, community services, such as district nursing and health visiting, and mental health services.
For further information on the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment go to