Repair work to be carried out on A49 Shrewsbury bypass
Essential work to replace expansion joints at each end of the two bridges which carry the A49 Shrewsbury bypass over the River Severn between Sundorne and Preston Roundabouts is due to start on Monday 11 June 2012 and is expected to last for up to four weeks.
The work will also include resurfacing the road over Pimley Manor bridge and Uffington bridge, and in the vicinity of Preston Roundabout.
To minimise traffic disruption, it is proposed that the majority of the work will be carried out overnight between 7pm and 7am. During these periods, the road will be reduced to a single lane under traffic light control, and a temporary 10mph speed limit will be in place to ensure the safety of both the public and the contractor’s workforce.
Outside of the night-time working periods, the road will remain open to two-lane traffic subject to a temporary 30mph speed limit.
Simon Jones, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member responsible for bridge maintenance, said:
“It is appreciated that the proposed work will cause some inconvenience, and all involved will do all that they reasonably can to keep this to a minimum. Unfortunately, the work is necessary because the existing expansion joints have reached the end of their serviceable life and are beginning to break up. If they are not replaced, it is probable that they would soon become a safety hazard.”
Tony Durnell, local Shropshire Councillor for Monkmoor, said:
“I am sure that the residents of Monkmoor affected by the essential repairs to the two bridges will accept any disturbance that they encounter as a small price to pay in order to ensure the future safety of users on that stretch of the A49.”