Local businesses help shape and grow Shropshire’s economy
This year’s interactive Business Summit took place on Monday 14 May 2012 at Shrewsbury Town FC’s Greenhous Meadow, and was based around the theme of “embracing new opportunities to grow the Shropshire economy”.
Around 150 people attended; the majority from businesses across the county putting their ideas forward to help shape and grow Shropshire’s economy. The summit was organised by Shropshire Council, with workshops so every business in attendance could have their say.
Shropshire Council was keen to hear suggestions from businesses about how they can work together to make things happen. Also, a key part of the evening was to identify the most important opportunities for growth in the Shropshire economy, what drag factors are holding back that growth, and what can be done to overcome these.
Keith Barrow, Shropshire Council’s leader, said:
“This was a fantastic event, packed full of positive energy and passion. Last night was just the start of what we all hope will be a joint enterprise to boost growth in the Shropshire economy.
“Working with local businesses is vital if we want to see the county’s economy grow and prosper, especially in the current economic climate.”
Following the summit there will be similar engagement events with the community and voluntary sector and with the Shropshire Leaders Board. All the ideas generated will then be formed into an economic growth strategy for Shropshire.