05/12/2011 - Permalink

Community tree scheme ‘top up’ option extended to 23 December

Related topics: Community

Shropshire’s residents, landowners and farmers who have applied for free trees through the community tree scheme now have until Friday 23 December 2011 to take advantage of a new ‘top up’ option, which allows purchasers to buy additional trees at wholesale prices.

The Shropshire Council’s tree scheme provides native tree and shrub saplings free of charge in limited numbers to benefit the Shropshire landscape, but this part of the scheme is now oversubscribed.

The council will provide the additionally-purchased trees at the same time as applicants pick up their free ones, through the tree scheme.

The council had reached agreement with Maelor Forest Nursery of Bronington near Whitchurch to provide additional trees at very favourable wholesale prices, which will be available until the scheme’s closing date on 23 December.

Shropshire’s mature native trees, which contribute so much to our magnificent landscape, are an aging and declining resource, with a third of our hedgerow trees being over 100 years old.  So planting trees in our county is now more important than ever.

Mal Price, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member responsible for conservation, said:

“Shropshire’s community tree scheme aims to attract people who are interested in helping to reverse the decline of our mature native trees, as well as help reduce Shropshire’s carbon footprint and provide the myriad of biodiversity, cultural, social and economic benefits that trees bring.  I encourage all eligible applicants who want to plant a larger number of trees, woodland area or hedges to take advantage of this ‘top up’ scheme.”

The free element of the scheme has now closed as planned at the end of National Tree Week just past, as demand as ever has substantially exceeded supply.

To find out more or apply for the community tree scheme ‘top up’ option call 01743 252564.  Alternatively visit our website here.