Residents get to hear about future of health services in Shrewsbury
Residents in and around Shrewsbury have the opportunity to hear about the future of their hospital and ambulance services at a public meeting of the Shrewsbury-wide Local Joint Committee (LJC) on Thursday 10 November 2011 at 7pm at The Guildhall, Shrewsbury.
Adam Cairns, Chief Executive of Shrewsbury and Telford Hospitals NHS Trust, will be there to talk about the latest developments in the work being carried out to secure the future of hospital services in Shrewsbury and Telford, and the proposed changes to health service provision at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital and Princess Royal Hospital, Telford.
There will also be an update on the West Midlands Ambulance Service ‘Make Ready’ project – an issue which has created local concern about the changes to ambulance services and their impact on local stations.
Councillor Peter Nutting, Chairman of the Shrewsbury-wide LJC, said:
“Health issues worry local people – I’m not sure that Shrewsbury residents know that the hospital changes will mean that some maternity, children’s and gynaecological services will no longer be available at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital.
“We know that the NHS is going to face increased demand at a time when funding is proving more and more difficult, but we must be sure that the changes can bring better healthcare for everyone in our area. I hope that as many people as possible will come along to hear for themselves, and question what is being done, so that we can know where our heath services are going. This meeting is open to anyone who lives in Shrewsbury town, or its surrounding rural areas.”
The Shrewsbury-wide LJC covers the whole of urban Shrewsbury. A special invitation is also being extended to residents of surrounding rural parishes to attend this meeting.
To find out more about this meeting or LJCs in the Shrewsbury area call Gill Jones, community action manager, on 01743 252344 or email