Longden, Ford and Rea Valley LJC meeting
Residents from the area are invited to come along and share their thoughts at the next meeting of the Longden, Ford and Rea Valley Local Joint Committee (LJC) which is at the Pontesbury youth building (next to Mary Webb School and near the library) on Wednesday 29 June 2011 at 7pm.
The public forum is an opportunity for you to raise any issues that you have, with the Shropshire Councillors present. The local police team will also be available at the meeting and will present information about local crime statistics. Roy Terrill, manager of Shropshire Council’s young people’s substance misuse team, will give a presentation on the current trends in drug use, and on display will be a box of paraphernalia associated with drug use.
Shropshire Councillor Roger Evans said:-
“Since we were formed it has been good that we have had the opportunity to meet and support so many community groups. There are such a large number of people working to make our rural communities strong and active. If you have a project that needs help then please let us know. Some funding is available if needed.”
Shropshire Councillor Tudor Bebb added:-
“As a committee we are dedicated to supporting young people in our area and are looking forward to welcoming Roy Terrill to our meeting so that we can learn about the risks associated with substance misuse.”