A new future for local supplies business
Based in Shrewsbury, West Mercia Supplies is a successful business providing a valued service to a substantial customer base, including many local schools, in this part of the country. Over the next few weeks, decisions are to be taken by the Cabinets of the four councils who own the business (Worcestershire County Council, Herefordshire Council, Shropshire Council and Telford and Wrekin Council), to explore ways to enable it to stand alone and secure a profitable future.
Given current funding pressures, the four councils share the view that they need to give priority to investing in their core activities and to maintain vital public services for their residents. West Mercia Supplies is in the fortunate position that it no longer depends on the support of the four councils and has the potential to be sold as a profitable, going concern to a prospective purchaser.
If agreed by the four councils, the options available and the best approach to the sale of the business will be examined in more detail over the next few months, with a sale in the autumn being a possibility.
The management and staff of West Mercia Supplies will be fully involved in these preparations and the business will continue to operate fully, with no disruption for its current customers.
West Mercia Supplies currently employs 100 people and has a turnover of £50 million a year. It is an important supplies provider in the current market, serving local councils, schools and other public service customers.