27/04/2011 - Permalink

North planning committee decisions – 26 April 2011

Related topics: Community

A list of decisions made at North Planning Committtee in Oswestry on Tuesday 26 April 2011.


Holly Tree Cottage, Knockin Heath

Erection of a two storey extension and detached double garage with loft over.

Decision: Not considered, as planning officers had issued a decision following the parish council withdrawing their objection.


ABP Ellesmere, Hordley, Ellesmere, SY12 9BL

Construction of new abattoir and lairage buildings following demolition of existing abattoir and buildings; associated expansion of site road.

Decision: That the Development Management Area Manager be given delegated powers to issue planning permission in accordance with officer’s recommendations, subject to an amendment to condition 3 to include the colouring of the extension.


Abbots Moor Farm, Haughton, West Felton

Installation of 1 wind turbine (66m high), erection of small substation, formation of new access track and hardstanding and associated infrastructure.

Decision: That this item be deferred until a future meeting of this committee, to allow Shropshire Council to obtain further expert advice to ascertain whether the proposed structure would affect the ability of Rednal Aerodrome to continue to operate.


Abbots Moor Farm, Haughton, West Felton

Proposed 1.1mw anaerobic digestion plant for production of renewable energy; to include 4 processing tanks, 4 storage tanks, a solids storage clamp, pumping station, gas flare and a reception building and associated works.

Decision: That subject to slight amendments to conditions as detailed in the update sheet and reported at the meeting, and an amendment to condition16 (b), the application be approved in accordance with the officer’s recommendations.

Further information about each of the applications can be found on the Shropshire Council website at shropshire.gov.uk/planningregister, where you can search for each application using the appropriate reference.