08/04/2011 - Permalink

Central planning committee decisions – 7 April 2011

Related topics: Democracy

A summary of decisions made by Shropshire Council’s Central Planning Committee at its meeting in Shrewsbury on 7 April 2011.

Application: 10/05262/FUL – 41 Battlefield Road, Shrewsbury.
Description: Change of Use from residential to motor vehicle display and sales following demolition of existing house and garage.
Decision: APPROVED – as per the conditions set out in the report and further condition to control the height of the hedge providing screening along boundary with adjacent residential property. In addition, authority delegated to the officers to address objector’s lighting concerns with the applicant.

Application: 11/00096/FUL – Old Hall Barn, Kenley
Description: Erection of a 15kw wind turbine on a 18m monopole mast.
Decision: REFUSED – against Officer’s recommendations for the following reasons:
Adverse impact on the landscape and visual amenity.

Application: 11/00173/FUL – Timber Yard And Builders Yard, Little Minsterley, Minsterley.
Description: Temporary siting of a caravan for a period of 12 months, erection of a two storey workshop/store and welfare building and change of use of land from agricultural field to a timber/builders yard.
Decision: APPROVED – as per the conditions set out in the report, with siting of the caravan permitted for 12 months or to be removed as soon as the building to be erected is operational if sooner. In addition, authority delegated to the officers to resolve drainage requirements for the caravan.

Application: 11/00354/FUL – Medina, 29 Luciefelde Road, Shrewsbury.
Description: Erection of a single storey extension to the rear elevation.
Decision: APPROVED – as per the conditions set out in the report.

Proposed Waiting Restriction Amendments – Cross Houses
The provision of no waiting at any time restrictions on the A458 and various adjoining roads within Cross Houses was APPROVED.

Further information about each of the applications can be found on the Shropshire Council website at shropshire.gov.uk/planningregister, where you can search for each application using the appropriate reference.