North planning committee decisions – 29 March 2011
A summary of decisions made by Shropshire Council’s North Planning Committee at its meeting in Oswestry on 29 March 2011.
1. Application – 11/00303/TCA – Bailey Street, Oswestry
To fell 1 x London Plane Tree and pollard 4 x London Plane Trees within Oswestry Conservation Area.
Decision – That the application be approved in accordance with the officer’s recommendations, with the request that if there is a choice of species for the trees to be replanted, the Town Council be consulted for their views.
2. Application – 11/00305/TCA – Leg Street, Oswestry
To fell 1 x London Plane Tree within Oswestry Conservation Area.
Decision – That the application be approved in accordance with the officer’s recommendations, with the request that if there is a choice of species for the trees to be replanted, the Town Council be consulted for their views.
3. Application – 10/03986/FUL – Land Off Candle Lane Woore
Mixed residential development of 34 dwellings; formation of vehicular access (off Audlem Road) and estate roads; removal of one Beech tree (previously granted) covered by the NSDC (Land adj to Ash Mount, Audlem Road, Woore) TPO 1994.
Decision – That the application be approved in accordance with the officer’s recommendations subject to:An amendment to Condition 5 to delete “unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority”.The inclusion of the following additional Conditions:
18. Two Bat Boxes, 1 Schwegler 2F and 1 Schwegler 1FQ (or direct woodcrete equivalent) shall be erected on the site prior to first use of the building, in locations agreed with the Local Planning Authority. And shall be retained for the lifetime of the development.
Reason: To ensure the provision of roosting opportunities for bats which are European Protected Species.
19. Prior to occupation of the dwelling a lighting plan shall be submitted to and be approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The lighting shall be installed in accordance with the approved details and thereafter retained for the lifetime of the development.
Reason: To minimise disturbance to bats which are a European Protected Species.
20. Prior to occupation of the dwelling provision shall be made for swallows to nest on site in accordance with a scheme that has been approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The nesting provision shall thereafter be retained for the lifetime of the development.
Reason: To ensure the continuing provision of nesting opportunities for wild birds.
21. A Shwegler number 20A Little Owl Box (or direct woodcrete equivalent) shall be erected on site in locations agreed by the Local Planning Authority prior to commencement of works, and thereafter retained for the lifetime of the development.
Reason: To ensure the continuing provision of nesting opportunities for wild birds
4. Application – 11/00213/OUT – Land Adjacent To The Lazy Acre Treflach Oswestry
Outline application for the erection of a detached dwelling to include means of access and layout.
Decision: Approved against the officer’s recommendation. The Northern Area Manager be given delegated powers to issue planning permission subject to the inclusion of appropriate conditions
Further information about each of the applications can be found on the Shropshire Council website at, where you can search for each application using the appropriate reference.