15/03/2011 - Permalink

Joint health committee responds to hospitals consultation

Related topics: Health

Providing all of Shropshire’s residents with the best and safest health service is paramount, and that is why we wanted to make sure we have comprehensively studied all the evidence and fully scrutinised every detail of the “Keeping it in the County” consultation prior to responding.

This was the key message from the Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (JHOSC) for Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin following their meeting on Friday 11 March 2011 to agree the joint committee’s response to the consultation for the changes to hospital services at Royal Shrewsbury Hospital and Princess Royal Hospital.

The joint committee unanimously recognised that changes need to be made, and believed that retaining the status quo is not an option if we are to maintain and protect health services for the county as a whole.  The joint committee has given their support to the proposals, subject to further reassurances that the proposals put forward are safe, sustainable and affordable, as identified by both the Assurance Panel and the joint committee’s process.

The joint committee at their request had received further evidence from the Hospital Trust, Telford and Wrekin PCT, Shropshire PCT, West Midlands Ambulance Service and the Assurance Panel’s Report, prior to last Friday’s meeting to help consider the final joint response to the consultation.

Councillor Gerald Dakin, Joint Chair of the Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee, said:

“We accept that these proposals are clinically-based and will ensure that the safety of Shropshire’s patients is paramount.  The difficult decision was helped by the additional information provided and the excellent presentation to the joint committee received at the meeting from Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital’s (SaTH) Chief Executive, Adam Cairns.  This has been an ongoing piece of work for the committee over many months, and during this time the members have considered the view of the public, the evidence presented and the conclusions of the Assurance Panel.  The Chairmen thank everyone who has been involved in the scrutiny process thus far.  The joint committee believe this new configuration will help Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital’s aim of providing a centre of excellence for each site.”

Councillor Veronica Fletcher, Joint Chair, said:

“It is crucial that as a joint committee we have thoroughly scrutinised these proposals so that we provide all residents across the whole of the county of Shropshire with the best and safest health service.  We need to be reassured that the needs of our residents are at the heart of any decisions made.”

The Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee will continue to monitor the proposals and have requested details of any changes prior to the implementation.  The joint committee have strongly urged and want reassurance that the public are kept fully informed of any service changes, and the implications for patients prior to any such change taking place.  This will ensure patients access services at the ‘Right Place, First Time’.