Funding awarded to Silvester Horne Institute
The Silvester Horne Institute in Church Stretton has become the first successful applicant for funding under Shropshire Council’s Market Towns Revitalisation Programme (MTRP).
A grant of £65,000 to extend and refurbish the Institute has now been approved, and this will be match-funded. Improvements will include enhanced catering facilities, toilets and improved facilities for people with disabilities.
The project is due to start in June 2011 and be completed in September 2011.
Under the MTRP £2.5m has been made available to help provide an immediate boost to the county’s six largest market towns – and £225,000 has been granted to Church Stretton.
Since the programme was launched last September, Shropshire Councillors in each of the towns have been working with their town councils and local communities to identify and prioritise projects that could apply for funding.
Church Stretton Town Council identified that because of the lack of finances the Silvester Horne Institute has been allowed to deteriorate and that the capital outlay will be justified by the increase in usage.
Councillor Mike Owen, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for economy and waste, said:
“This funding was made available to demonstrate the council’s commitment to supporting and boosting our market towns. I’m delighted that the first funding has now been awarded. The Silvester Horne Institute is a worthy recipient as it provides an invaluable community resource. This project will also provide the potential for increased economic activity in the hall through an indoor market and exhibitions.”
Tom Beaumont, Chairman of the Silvester Horne Community Partnership, said:
“We are extremely excited to have been awarded this grant from Shropshire Council’s Market Towns Revitalisation fund, which will enable us to commence much-needed work. Our fundraising efforts will continue as we need to prove community backing by raising funds locally to help towards the project. Our successful Local Creative Enterprise event in October raised over £400 and on Saturday 12 March 2011 we staged an indoor market. This very exciting new initiative was extremely successful, raising nearly £600 and is likely to become a regular event. The support of Shropshire Council in this venture, and the support of the public, shows true partnership working.”
Councillor James Gibson, Shropshire Councillor for Church Stretton and Craven Arms, said:
“I am very pleased Church Stretton is the first of the market towns to make a successful bid for funding under the MTRP, and that the Silvester Horne Community Partnership is so on the ball in raising its match funding.”
Councillor David Evans, Shropshire Councillor for Church Stretton and Craven Arms, said:
“I’m very pleased that the Sylvester Horne Institute has secured their grant funding and this will now enable them to carry out their project which is long overdue owing to missing out on previous funding.”
For more information about the Market Towns Revitalisation Programme, go to