02/03/2011 - Permalink

Council’s adult social care services celebrate Dignity Action Day

Related topics: Community

Left to right: Edith Pritchard (resident at Crowmoor), Jan Paterson (Residential Manager) and Older People's Champion Councillor Peggy Mullock

Shropshire Council’s adult social care services celebrated Dignity Action Day on Friday 25 February, highlighting a national campaign to ensure that older people and others are treated with dignity and respect.

To mark the day, staff and residents at Crowmoor Residential Care Home in Shrewsbury hosted a coffee morning and quiz show for service users, families, carers and activity groups. Four Rivers Nursing Home in Ludlow also hosted a coffee and fundraising afternoon with residents and staff.

Dignity Action Day is a national initiative lead by the Dignity in Care Campaign to bring staff and members of the public together to raise awareness and make a positive difference to those in care.

Launched in November 2006, the Dignity in Care Campaign aims to stimulate a national debate around dignity in care and create a care system where there is zero tolerance of abuse and disrespect of adults.

To help promote the initiative, council staff working in social care had registered to be Dignity in Care Champions.

Simon Jones, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for adult social care services, said:

“Dignity Action Day is about protecting the interests of those using our care services and their carers, and reminds all of us that dignity should be everybody’s business and at the heart of everything we do. It’s great to see service users and staff taking action and working together to highlight and promote this important campaign and helping to make sure that dignity is a reality for all.”

Councillor Peggy Mullock, Shropshire Council’s Older People’s Champion, who attended the event at Crowmoor, said:

“I would like to thank all residents and staff who put on a fantastic event. It is imperative that we help maintain older people’s and others’ sense of self-respect. This is why Dignity Action Day is a great initiative that is about taking the time to do something, however small. “

The day also saw the launch of a countywide feedback questionnaire specifically aimed at adults with learning disabilities. The council’s adults with learning disabilities service issued the questionnaire to capture the views and ideas from individuals. The information will be used to drive and enhance their service.