23/01/2019 - Permalink

News from our partners: Shropshire Clinical Commissioning Group seeks Patient Representative

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News from our partners NHS Shropshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)

Shropshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is seeking a patient representative to be part of a stakeholder panel set up to meet candidates for the position of Shropshire CCG’s Accountable Officer on Tuesday 29 January 2019, at a venue in Shrewsbury. The patient representative will need to be available from 9am to 3pm.

You will be part of a panel made up of representatives from Shropshire CCG, our neighbouring CCG in Telford & Wrekin, and Healthwatch who will meet candidates informally and discuss relevant healthcare issues with them.

We would welcome a patient representative to join the panel who:

  • is a resident of Shropshire
  • has recent experience of using local health services as a patient or carer
  • has an open mind about the future of health services in Shropshire.

If you are interested in being involved please send your name and contact details to SHRCCG.shropshireccg@nhs.net. no later than 5pm on Friday 25 January 2019.

We shall be selecting the patient representative by lot. If you are selected, further information will be supplied regarding the arrangements and there will be an opportunity to discuss any details with a member of the CCG staff.