05/05/2020 - Permalink

Country parks Blog: Trees in bloom

Related topics: Community / Coronavirus / Health / Leisure, culture and heritage

The hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna) is also known as the May tree because of the beautiful blossom that appears at this time of year. Hedges all across Shropshire are bursting into flower, signalling the progression of the year from spring into summer.

An image of hawthorn flowers which appear as trees begin to bloom across Shropshire.

Hawthorn Flowers

A common street tree around Shropshire is the horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum). Mid-May also sees this species blooming with large pyramidal clusters of flowers which look almost tropical in appearance. Like the hawthorn, the petals are often white but horse chestnut flowers have delicate pink staining in the centre. Structures called stamens sweep outwards from the flower head. Pollen that is produced in the stamen is transferred between flowers by insects.

An image of the horse chestnut flower which appear as trees begin to bloom across Shropshire.

Horse Chestnut Flower

Fertilisation takes place when pollen meets the female part of the plant. This leads to the development of fruit as the summer begins to fade into autumn. This can take various forms. In the case of hawthorn, red berries called ‘haws’ develop. Horse chestnut trees, of course, produce shiny conkers.

Written by Edward Andrews from Shropshire Council’s outdoor partnerships team.  The team manages and preserves country parks and countryside sites right across Shropshire for people to enjoy and wildlife to flourish.

Useful links:

Government: https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus
NHS: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/
Public Health England: https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/public-health-england
Defra: https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/department-for-environment-food-rural-affairs

Previous blogs

First sign of Spring
Brimstone Butterfly 
Bluebells – The Woodland Blues
Dawn Chorus

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