10/05/2019 - Permalink

Statement re proposed merger of Shropshire CCG and Telford & Wrekin CCG

Related topics: Adult social care / Health

Shropshire Council has issued the following statement after the board of Shropshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) supported a merger with Telford & Wrekin CCG.

Shropshire Council supports Shropshire CCG and Telford & Wrekin CCG becoming one organisation. We have previously made our support for this clear as we believe that a streamlined approach would deliver improved health and wellbeing outcomes, and reduce inequalities of provision for the people of Shropshire.

This is in line with NHS long-term plans, and helps towards developing a single integrated health and social care system for Shropshire, making services more seamless and more accessible for everyone.

Integrated Care Systems are being developed across the UK in which different organisations work as a whole for the benefit of the population, rather than just in their own interests or budget constraints. By working together in this way, new opportunities are presented.

We understand that our NHS partners have a challenging task to achieve financial balance across the whole of health and social care, and this is a positive step in reducing both duplication and costs in a way in which the public would expect.

This marks what we believe is a refreshing and positive change in more effective management to ensure that our communities receive the health care and social care that they need. The public expect their hard-earned taxes to be used wisely and efficiently. We are optimistic that with our partners we can build further on this important improvement.

It is also important to remember that many of our residents also rely on services provided across borders with other CCGs and we would encourage closer co-operation and working between all CCGs.