08/06/2018 - Permalink

Not a rubbish meeting!: Shropshire Disability Network invites you to a members meeting

Related topics: Adult social care / Health / Partner organisations

News from our partners Shropshire Disability Network

The next Shropshire Disability Network Members Meeting will be held on Thursday 14 June 2018 at University Centre Shrewsbury, Guildhall, Frankwell Quay, Shrewsbury SY3 8HQ.

We look forward to welcoming our guest speakers:

    • Ruth Jones from Veolia, who will be talking to us about recycling (a dirty job, but someone has to do it) and
    • Tony Lawrence, one of our own members, who will be telling us about Tai Chi and how it can be beneficial to us. Tai Chi can be very helpful to those suffering from ME, Fibromyalgia and MS, and many other long term conditions.

“Shropshire Choices” will have an information stand. They will also talk for five minutes to tell you about their plans.

Sophie Ewan-Roberts, Shropshire Council’s user experience and strategy co-ordinator in digital services, said:-

“As the team behind the council’s website, we want to engage with groups like the Shropshire Disability Network, with the aim of developing and enhancing the available resources. Our current work on the Shropshire Choices content would benefit greatly from your feedback; from the way you navigate round the pages, down to the relevancy and detail of the information.

“The website is dedicated to helping support people to live independent, active and healthy lives as part of their local communities, through the links to services from Shropshire Council, NHS partners and voluntary and community groups. Do you have an opinion? Then please let us know!”

We will have our usual raffle and a sales table, where you can buy hand made items that make perfect gifts.

We have also been fortunate to receive a hearing loop system from one of our committee members. We will also have BSL interpreters present as well.

Please email secretary@shropshire-disability.net or call or text 07398 350255 (SDN Secretary) for more information.