08/06/2018 - Permalink

Carers Week runs from Monday 11 June to Sunday 17 June 2018

Related topics: Adult social care / Health

Over 34,000 people in Shropshire are caring for someone, including more than 600 young carers.

In reality, these numbers are likely to be much higher. Many people do not recognise themselves as carers, and see this simply as part of being a family member, spouse, partner, friend or neighbour.

We want to send out a message out to the Shropshire community that helping to look after someone who could not manage otherwise, is caring.

Carers Week 2018 logo

Carers Week 2018

The All-Age Carers Strategy and Action Plan for Shropshire has now been in place for a year. Partners, including health and social care providers, carers, and the voluntary and community sector, are working together to implement the Strategy and Action Plan. Progress is monitored through the local Family Carer Partnership Board, and reported to Shropshire’s Health and Well-being Board.

Work that has taken place for 2017/18 as a result of the strategy includes:-

  • A Carers Hospital Lead is now in place at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital to bridge the gap between hospital staff and carers in the discharge process.
  • Carers are now being identified on hospital paperwork.
  • Bookmark-style carer awareness publicity has been distributed in community venues including pharmacies. This is aimed at those who may not recognise themselves as a carer and is produced in partnership with Telford & Wrekin Council.
  • Information and graphics have been produced by young carers, to target schools and colleges to raise awareness for other young carers and staff.
  • A Carers Rights Day event took place which included workshops from the Parent and Carer Council (PACC), and managing stress techniques.

We want to celebrate the contribution our unpaid carers make during Carers Week, and events are happening around the county:

An afternoon concert of music and song

Performances from: Salopian Brass, Shawbury Military Wives Choir and Shropshire Young Carers

Saturday 9 June, 3.30pm-5.30 pm

At Christchurch, Glebe Road, Bayston Hill, Shrewsbury

Tickets; £5 to include refreshments and raffle (available on the door)


Advice or support about your caring role

Would you like to speak with a carer adviser?

Come and meet us and collect a Carers Week goody bag from

Oswestry Library, Wednesday 13 June 10am–midday

Ludlow Brewery, Friday 15 June, 2.30pm-4.30pm


Information and fundraising event

Speak to a carer adviser, have a go on the tombola or raffle and pick up a bargain from the bric a brac stall.

Whitchurch Civic Centre Friday 15 June 9.30am-12 midday


Carers Garden Party 

Tuesday 19 June, 12.30pm-3pm. Cleobury Mortimer

Delicious afternoon tea, raffle, tombola and produce stall

For details call Janet: 01299 272841


Lee Chapman, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for adult services, health and social housing, said:

“We want to celebrate the fantastic work Shropshire carers do during Carers Week. There are events happening across the county, which we hope carers will be able to take part in.

Many people do not recognise themselves as a carer and see it simply as being something they ‘just do’. Whilst caring can be rewarding, it can also be exhausting and we would always encourage people to seek information and support earlier, rather than later, to ensure the right support can be provided at the right time.”

Carers Trust 4all logo

Carers Trust 4all

Andy Craven, Locality Manager for Carers Trust 4all, said:

“Every day an army of unpaid carers in our community provide love, care and support to loved ones who could not manage without their help, often putting their own lives on hold in order to care. Caring for someone you love can be immensely rewarding, but can also be isolating and exhausting with little recognition or support.

“Carers Week 2018 is focussed on looking at ways to support carers to stay healthy and connected. Carers Trust 4all is committed to identifying carers, wherever they live in the county, and providing information, help, support, social groups and practical services to enable carers to look after their own health and wellbeing and have a life outside caring.

“Our services include regulated care delivered in the home, enabling carers to take a much needed break. This support is backed up by the CT4all Emergency Response Service which provides quick response practical help if an unanticipated event or emergency arises.”

Further information 

Any carer or person who feels they may be fulfilling a care role can contact Carers Trust 4 all direct for information about their services on:

  • Carers Support helpline during office hours01743 341995.
  • All Carer emergency calls: 0333 323 1990 number option 1 and then option 6.
  • or by phoning Shropshire Council’s First Point of Contact on: 0345 678 9044.