05/06/2017 - Permalink

Message from Shropshire Council’s chief executive re London terror attack

Related topics: Corporate

A message from Clive Wright, Shropshire Council’s chief executive, following the terror attack in London on Saturday night (3 June 2017).

“I am writing this as my family watch the ‘One Love One Manchester’ concert with a heavy heart and empathising with the artists and the live audience, seeing their mixed emotions of sadness and defiance after we experienced another shocking terrorist attack over the weekend.  

“Certainly we must all feel that the world has entered a new and hopefully short era, through the actions of a few people who sadly place so little value on life, including their own. At the same time it is nothing short of amazing seeing how people and communities are pulling together, when they could so easily pull apart. 

“Our thoughts across the nation are with all of those impacted by these terrible attacks and tomorrow, Tuesday 6 June, 11 am, there will be a one minute silence across all government buildings. 

flag at half-mast

Flag at half-mast at Shirehall, Shrewsbury

“Our response must be to carry on and, as previously requested, please be vigilant and play our role in protecting the public at all times. Be observant to notice and report anything that looks unusual. This is particularly the case in the week ahead, when we will be running the General Election throughout the county.”