13/06/2016 - Permalink

Groups may get chance to submit alternative Shrewsbury swimming proposals

Related topics: Community / Health / Leisure, culture and heritage / Partner organisations

Interested groups and organisations will be given the opportunity to develop alternative proposals to retain swimming provision at the Quarry site in Shrewsbury – if the site is not recommended as the preferred location for future swimming provision in the town.

A recommendation for a preferred site for future swimming provision in Shrewsbury will be made to Shropshire Council’s Cabinet on 13 July 2016 following a public consultation and a detailed evaluation of seven possible options.

The seven options currently under consideration are: refurbishment of the existing Quarry Pool; renovation of the existing Quarry Pool; new build on the site of the existing Quarry Pool; new build at Clayton Way; new build on land at Ellesmere Road; new build on land at the Shrewsbury Sports Village; and, new build on land at Shrewsbury College.

The evaluation of the seven options is considering the outcome of the consultation and three key questions, to determine which option best meets the Council’s vision and requirements for future swimming provision.

The questions are:

  • Which options are deliverable and are the most affordable and sustainable?
  • Which options best meet the Council’s vision and strategy for swimming provision?
  • What are the social, environmental and economic impact and implications of the different options?

If, following the evaluation exercise, the Quarry site is not the recommended option, interested parties will be given up to 12 months to put forward proposals to retain swimming provision at the Quarry site, before a final decision is taken.

A public consultation into future swimming provision in Shrewsbury was carried out between May and October 2015 and over 1900 people took part. The majority of respondents favoured maintaining swimming provision at the existing Quarry site.

Stuart West, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for culture and leisure, said:

“It was clear from the consultation that the majority of people want swimming provision to remain at the Quarry site. Therefore if the Quarry site does not emerge as our preferred option, interested organisations will be given sufficient time to come up with their own alternative proposals to retain swimming at this site.

“However, any proposals put forward would need to meet the council’s vision and priorities for swimming provision in Shrewsbury. They must provide a long-term swimming facility that’s affordable to run both now and in the future, must increase participation in swimming and physical activity, and must be complementary to other leisure facilities in the town.”

Any future proposals that may come forward and are considered to meet the council’s requirements would be delegated to the director of commissioning in conjunction with the Cabinet member, and may be considered by Shropshire Council’s Cabinet.