13/05/2016 - Permalink

Shifnal Neighbourhood Plan passes Examination

Related topics: Community / Partner organisations

News from Shropshire Council, and Shifnal Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group on behalf of Shifnal Town Council

The Independent Examiner, appointed by Shropshire Council has reviewed the Shifnal Neighbourhood Plan and the good news is that he has approved it.

The Examiner has said that the Plan has met the basic conditions for neighbourhood plans set out in legislation and recommended that it can move on to the referendum stage subject to a limited number of relatively minor modifications.

Chris Raine, the Chair of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group, said that the members of the Steering Group were very pleased to read that the Examiner said that, “it was a succinct and well-written document” and that he had “congratulated Shifnal Town Council and its volunteers for all the hard work that has clearly gone into the drafting of the plan.”

Robert Harrop, Mayor of Shifnal, said

“I am delighted with the Examiner’s report, and thank the four community members of the Steering Group who had put in so much of their time on a voluntary basis to prepare this very important Neighbourhood Plan for Shifnal.”

Chris Raine said:

“It certainly has been hard, but worthwhile, work. At the same time it is clear that the input from residents during the various consultations over the last 15 months has been very important in achieving the successful progress of the Plan to this stage.”

Mal Price, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for planning, housing, regulatory services and environment, said:

“Congratulations to the Shifnal community; getting an approved Neighbourhood Plan through examination is a significant achievement and this will help to set the planning framework for future development in Shifnal.”

Once the minor modifications recommended by the Examiner have been incorporated into the Plan by Shropshire Council in consultation with Shifnal Town Council, it will be ready to proceed to the Referendum.

A summary of the final Plan is going to be delivered to every household in the time leading up to the Referendum, which it is hoped will be in early Autumn. Those people registered to vote in the Shifnal Parish will be notified of the date for the Referendum by Shropshire Council’s elections team.

The Plan is now considered as an ’emerging neighbourhood plan’ and will be taken into account in determining planning applications in the time up to its final adoption by Shropshire Council.