15/01/2016 - Permalink

Blog: Dry January – Anne-Marie

Related topics: Community / Health

Over the coming weeks, we’re issuing people’s views and experiences about their Dry January 2016 challenge.

Today, Anne-Marie (scripted Friday 8 January):-

I have done Dry January for the last couple of years for no other reason than that I thought it would make me feel better, so when I was asked to do it again this year and write the occasional blog I thought ‘well why not’, how hard can it be? Doing the Dry January is the easy bit at the moment; sitting here and writing about it is the hard bit.

After the overindulgence at Christmas I always feel that I need to be kinder to my body, so hence the reason I have embarked on Dry January again in the hope that I would feel a little less sluggish, help me to shed some of those pounds and sleep better. Now, don’t get me wrong, I am not a massive drinker: I tend not to drink in the week, but do like a glass (or few glasses) of wine at the weekend, probably totally against all the advice of not saving up your units.

Hence I feel a bit of a fraud, as so far I haven’t missed the alcohol, but I haven’t deviated too much from my normal routine. This weekend however will be the test. I regularly attend my local hockey club after gallantly standing supporting my children and husband on the side of a usually freezing cold or very wet pitch. So, as you can imagine, the club is a hive of alcohol-swilling individuals, and what better way to thaw yourself out but a little tipple.

This week, however, I shall be sticking to the soft drinks (I may even treat myself to a nice warming latte). I have stocked up on some nice soft drinks like elderflower cordial which is lovely and refreshing (and can even take the place of that glass of white wine) and is versatile enough to have in lemonade, sparkling water or plain water. I have even been known to add it to tonic water: add some ice and, if you’re feeling decadent a little mint, and hey presto – who needs a cocktail? Well that’s my plan.

Enjoy your weekend whatever you are doing and think “Dry”.
