05/02/2015 - Permalink

Youth services on Whitchurch LJC agenda

Related topics: Community / Democracy

The next Whitchurch & Surrounding Areas Local Joint Committee (LJC) meeting will be held on Wednesday 11 February at the Whitchurch Civic Centre. Doors open at 6.30pm and the meeting starts at 7pm.   

The Local Joint Committees are embarking on a new way of working, assisting the local authority with locality commissioning and being the voice for local people to help influence services. 

Currently, LJC members are working on youth locality commissioning and have influence on how a devolved budget will be spent locally to provide youth services in the future. Information on this process and what work the committee members have done so far will be presented at this meeting and this will be a chance to give your feedback to councillors on youth provision within Whitchurch.   

Shropshire Councillor Paul Wynn encourages everyone to come along, saying:

“This is a really important time for young people in the town and we all need to engage and listen to what they have to say.  Please come along and join in this key debate and be part of shaping how our youth services could be delivered in the future.” 

Shropshire Council’s Parking Enforcement and Whitchurch Police will also be attending in response to a public question received. These officers will discuss the local issue of parking on pavements and be able to give advice on what to do and who to contact. 

If you would like to know more about Local Joint Committees or obtain the papers for this meeting, please visit the Shropshire Council website www.shropshire.gov.uk and you will find the papers under Council and Democracy. Alternatively, please call the Community Enablement Officer on 079900 85187 to be added to the Whitchurch LJC mailing list.