03/02/2015 - Permalink

Second phase of consultation begins into future of Church Stretton Library

Related topics: Community / Leisure, culture and heritage / Partner organisations

Residents in Church Stretton and the surrounding area are being encouraged to respond to a consultation on the future of the town’s library.

Shropshire Council has previously held a community conversation on the future of Church Stretton library in which views from residents were sought on a proposal to work in partnership with South Shropshire Academy Trust to provide a library located at Church Stretton School.

A second period of consultation is running from Monday 2 February to Monday 16 March 2015. It will set out the council’s response to the issues raised from the community conversation, and provide further information to clarify the council’s position regarding its preferred option to provide a library at Church Stretton School. It will also set out why other potential alternatives that have been explored are not, in its opinion, viable or sustainable, and will be an opportunity for new alternative proposals to be made.

Steve Charmley, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member with responsibility for libraries said:

“We fully recognise the value and importance of our libraries, and this is why we are absolutely committed to ensuring they continue to remain at the heart of local communities. However we are in a position that we have address a library funding gap of £1.3 million and we are working with communities across the county to find innovative and sustainable ways of keeping them going.

“We are keen to hear of other proposals for the future running of the library that result in the same sustainable savings as the proposal for relocate the service to Church Stretton School, and so strongly encourage library users and residents in Church Stretton to respond to the consultation.

“I believe it is in the interest of all to ensure we find ways to continue to deliver quality library and community services at a lower cost and in ways that are sustainable, which will result in better overall outcomes for the community.”

Residents can take part in the consultation by:

  • completing the survey online at shropshire.gov.uk/get-involved
    and search for Church Stretton library round 2.
  • picking up and returning completed forms to Church Stretton Library, the Town Council office, the Mayfair Centre or Teme Leisure Church Stretton Leisure Centre.

The closing date of the consultation is Monday 16 March.