10/12/2014 - Permalink

Applications going to North planning committee on 16 December 2014

Related topics: Community / Democracy

The following planning applications will be considered by Shropshire Council’s North planning committee at its meeting at Shirehall, Shrewsbury on Tuesday 16 December 2014 at 2pm.

The meeting is open to the public and all are welcome to attend.  To see the full agenda and reports click here.

Broughall Fields Farm, Ash Road, Whitchurch, TF8 7BX (14/01398/MAW)

Installation of Anaerobic Digestion plant consisting of control building, feedstock/reception building, 30m diameter digester, 30m diameter digestate store, feedstock clamps and all associated works.
Land south of Chapel Lane, Norton-in-Hales (14/01426/OUT)

Outline application for the erection of 16 open market dwellings and 3 affordable dwellings to include access.
Proposed residential development land east of Teal Drive, Ellesmere (14/03370/FUL)

Erection of 68 dwellings to include on-site open space provision.
Land south of 54 Red Bank Road, Market Drayton (14/03759/FUL)

Erection of a pair of semi-detached dwellings.
Llysfield Nursing Homes, 129 Middleton Road, Oswestry (12/01381/FUL)

Erection of 2 No two storey extensions and highway visibility improvements


Decisions will be made available after the meeting on our online planning register which you can search by using the appropriate reference number or keyword