28/07/2014 - Permalink

Decisions made by South planning committee on 22 July 2014

Related topics: Community / Democracy

The following decisions were made by Shropshire Council’s South planning committee at its meeting at Shirehall, Shrewsbury on Tuesday 22 July 2014.

Proposed residential development south of A49, Ludlow (13/03862/OUT)  Outline application for residential development (up to 215 dwellings); public open space; highways works; access roads and pedestrian footbridges; and a Neighbourhood Store (Class A1 Retail) not exceeding 300 sq.m internal floor space, associated engineering and accommodation works. 

Decision: That, contrary to the officer’s recommendation, planning permission be refused for the following reasons:

The proposed development, through the close proximity and the associated dangers of the A49, River Corve and the railway, noise from road traffic and train movements, and the potential for an increased number of train journeys in the future would detract from the living conditions and be detrimental to the amenities and safety of residents.  The site has poor accessibility and is considered to be an unsuitable location for residential development contrary to Policy CS6 Sustainable Design and Development Principles of the Council’s adopted Core Strategy and Paragraph 17 (point 4) of the NPPF.  These adverse impacts would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits in terms of the site contributing to the supply of housing land in Shropshire.


Land south Of A464, Shifnal (13/04840/FUL)  Mixed residential development of 66 dwellings and garages. 

Decision: That planning permission be granted as a departure subject to:

  • Satisfactory agreement being reached on a Section 106 Agreement relating to affordable housing provision;
  • Contributions to the Travel and Movement Strategy for Shifnal and reduction of speed limit on a section of the A464 Wolverhampton Road;
  • Provision and maintenance of the open space by an appropriate body;
  • Satisfactory amendments being made to the Great Crested Newt mitigation strategy;
  • The conditions as set out in Appendix 1 to the report; and

Development to commence before the expiration of two years from the date of permission.


Land south of Woodbatch Road, Bishop’s Castle (14/00885/OUT)  Outline application for mixed residential development and formation of a vehicular and pedestrian access. 

Decision: That, contrary to the officer’s recommendation, planning permission be refused for the following reasons:

  • The Bishop’s Castle community had overwhelmingly rejected sites on this side of the town for housing development during a rigorous SAMDev consultation exercise because of access problems to the town’s hinterland.  Other more appropriate sites had been identified;
  • A need for affordable housing had been identified in the area and the contribution of this application to the affordable housing stock would be minimal; and
  • This proposal would exacerbate the already significant traffic problems that exist along Kerry Lane.  To exit the proposed development site and the town, traffic would have to use Kerry Lane, which, in places is a single track road, has no footpath in places, has five junctions within close proximity, and is already unsuitable for existing residents and businesses. The deficiencies in the local road network would not achieve a good standard of amenity for existing occupants of the area and the occupants of the proposed dwellings.

Accordingly, the proposed development would be contrary to paragraph 17 of the National Planning Policy Framework and Core Strategy policy CS6 whereby the adverse impacts would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits.


Land off Oldbury Road, Bridgnorth (14/01016/OUT)  Outline application (access for approval) for mixed residential development. 

Decision: That, contrary to the officer’s recommendation, planning permission be refused for the following reasons:

The proposed development would have a detrimental impact upon the character and appearance of the Oldbury Conservation Area and its setting through the erosion of the rural character of the north eastern approach to the village by built development on this site, and the loss of a visually prominent section of roadside hedgerow and trees.  The proposed development would therefore be contrary to Shropshire Core Strategy policies CS6 and CS17 and paragraphs 131, 135 and 138 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and these adverse impacts would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits in terms of the site contributing to the supply of housing land in Shropshire.


The Rectory, Church Street, Broseley, TF12 5DA (14/01393/FUL)  Erection of rectory; improvements to existing rectory; repositioning of boundary wall; and formation of vehicular access. 

Decision: That planning permission be granted as per the officer’s recommendation and subject to the conditions set out in Appendix 1 to the report.



Proposed residential development land off St Stephens Place, Bridgnorth (14/01690/FUL)  Residential development of 22 dwellings; erection of estates office; formation of communal garden areas and open space (revised scheme). 

Decision: That planning permission be granted as per the officer’s recommendation, subject to:

  • A Section 106 Agreement to control the occupation of the residential units;
  • The conditions set out in Appendix 1 to the report; and

An additional condition to ensure the location of the communal bin storage area be approved in writing by the local planning authority prior to the first occupation of the dwellings.


Proposed exception dwelling south of Upper Stedment, Ratlinghope (14/01796/FUL)  Erection of affordable dwelling and detached domestic garage; installation of sewage treatment plant. 

Decision: That, contrary to the officer’s recommendation, planning permission be granted, subject to and in consultation with the Chairman, appropriate conditions being added relating to:

  • A Section 106 Agreement relating to an affordable housing restriction;
  • Landscaping;
  • Fencing;
  • Ground levels;
  • Ecology;
  • Drainage; and

Design and materials.


Elm Road Stores, Bishton Road, Albrighton (14/01841/FUL)  Erection of 3 bedroom detached bungalow with integral garage following demolition of existing store. 

Decision: That, contrary to the officer’s recommendation, planning permission be refused for the following reasons:

  • The proposed development, by reason of the full gable roof form, large expanse of roof and ridge height which would exceed that of the adjacent bungalow to the east, would result in a dwelling which would be an overdevelopment of the site, detracting from the amenities of the adjacent properties through having an overbearing impact, and detracting from the character and appearance of the streetscene.  The proposal would therefore be contrary to Shropshire Core Strategy policy CS6 and paragraphs 56 to 64 of the National Planning Policy Framework.



Butlers Of Cleobury, Brunswick House, 23 High Street, Cleobury Mortimer, DY14 8BY (14/02130/LBC)  Installation of replacement windows to include double glazing to rear ground and first floor affecting a Grade II Listed Building. 

Decision: That planning permission be granted as per the officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions set out in Appendix 1 to the report.



For further information relating to each of the decisions go to our online planning register and search for an application by using the appropriate reference number or keyword.