19/07/2013 - Permalink

Shropshire primary school making “significant improvements”

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Leaders at a Shropshire school have taken actions which have “resulted in a number of significant improvements”, and set it on the right course to improving its Ofsted rating, inspectors have said.

Mereside Church of England Primary School in Shrewsbury became subject to special measures following an inspection by Ofsted in December 2012. However, the school received a monitoring visit in June this year and inspectors have found it is moving towards the removal of this category.

The report highlights how: “The senior leadership team of headteacher and new deputy headteacher has, in a short time, been effective and laid secure foundations for further improvements.”

Inspectors noted that the positive effect of the school’s actions, particularly a strong focus on improving pupils’ literacy and mathematical skills, are “reflected in this year’s assessments” which show “significant improvement”.

They said: “Pupils’ attainment is improving steadily and is currently in line with the national average in English and mathematics by the end of Year 6.”

The percentage of pupils reaching or exceeding level 4 in reading by the end of year 6 was 87 per cent in 2013, compared to 74 per cent in 2012. A total of 77 per cent of pupils achieved level 4 or above in writing this year, compared to 69 per cent in 2012, and 77 per cent achieved this level in maths this year compared to 55 per cent in 2012.

The report adds: “The appointment of an acting deputy headteacher, seconded from an outstanding primary school in the local authority (Shropshire Council), has had an immediate impact on improving teaching and the school’s monitoring systems.”

Inspectors also praised the good wide-ranging support provided by the local authority, including subject advisers to work alongside staff and leaders.

Elizabeth Holmes, headteacher of Mereside Primary School, said:

“The report recognises the actions we have taken to raise standards and the impact they are having, including the considerable improvements in the performance of pupils.

“This marks a really positive end to the school year and puts us in a great position to make a good start to next year.

“We are committed to building on the improvements to date and are confident that the school will be removed from special measures in the near future.”

Debbie Sharp, chair of governors, said:

“Monitoring over the last two terms was showing that the school was improving. It is good that this has been reinforced by the report and the recent significant improvements in the recent assessments.

“The governing body has confidence in Mrs Holmes and the senior leadership team to continue to build on these improvements.”

Councillor Ann Hartley, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for children’s services, added:

“It is great to see the improvement in pupils’ attainment, and that the school is effectively addressing the points from its Ofsted inspection.

“We will continue to work closely with the school to support the staff and governors in making further progress.”