24/05/2013 - Permalink

Central planning decisions – 23 May 2013

Related topics: Community / Democracy

The following planning decisions were made by Shropshire Council’s Central planning committee at its meeting on Thursday 23 May 2013 in Shrewsbury.

Land at Hereford Road, Shrewsbury – 12/02498/OUT

Outline Application for the erection of a Class A1 foodstore with associated car parking, servicing facilities and replacement of garage workshop to include means of access. 


Refused – contrary to the Officer’s recommendations for the following reasons:

There are existing difficulties with traffic movements for all highway users including pedestrians and cyclists in the immediate area around the site and its access on to a busy highway junction arising from the complexity of the local traffic arrangements.

Notwithstanding the proposed alterations to the junction and localised changes to the highways, it is considered that such difficulties with traffic movements in the area of the site would be exacerbated further by the proposed development.

Accordingly, the proposed development would fail to accord with the aims and requirements of adopted policies CS6 and CS7 of the Shropshire Core Strategy and Section 4 of the NPPF, as it would not be safe and accessible to all, and would not maximise opportunities for access by walking, cycling and public transport.

The proposed development would potentially lead to a detrimental impact on the viability of existing nearby local centres and the community facilities associated with them. Accordingly, the proposal would fail to accord with the aims and requirements of adopted Policy CS8 of the Shropshire Core Strategy and Section 8 of the NPPF.

The Gap Site, Raven Meadows Shrewsbury – 12/03258/FUL

The erection of a public multi-storey car park consisting of 9 deck-levels; change of use of existing retail unit to provide pedestrian walkway; ancillary works (amended description). 

Decision: Approved – in accordance with the Officer’s recommendations, subject to the inclusion of an additional condition requiring lighting of the town walls.

The Gap Site, Raven Meadows Shrewsbury – 12/03259/LBC

Alterations to a Grade II Listed Building required in connection with the erection of a multi storey car park (amended description). 

Decision: Approved – in accordance with the officer’s recommendations.

Proposed Residential Development, Land West of The Gables Nesscliffe – 12/04425/OUT

Outline application (all matters reserved) for residential development to include affordable housing (resubmission).


Refused – contrary to the Officer’s recommendations for the following reasons:

The proposed access and access junction is inadequate and inappropriate, and this together with the likely proximity of proposed dwellings to existing properties would potentially have a significant detrimental impact on the residential amenity of occupiers of adjoining dwellings. This would be contrary to the aims and requirements of adopted Policy CS6 of the Shropshire Core Strategy and Section 7 of the NPPF.

The application site is outside any settlement currently identified as suitable for accommodating new residential development and accordingly approval of the proposed scheme would be premature in advance of the Council (in consultation with the parish council) determining the preferred sites for residential development in the village through the SAMDev consultation process.

Accordingly the proposal would fail to accord with the aims and requirements of adopted Policy CS5 of the Shropshire Core Strategy.

 Proposed Residential Development, Land off Washford Road, Shrewsbury – 12/04866/OUT

Outline application for the erection of 6no. semi-detached dwellings to include Access. 

Decision:  Approved, subject to S106 agreement to secure the provision of affordable housing – in accordance with the Officer’s recommendations.

Plot 3 (part) Battlefield Road, Shrewsbury – 13/00392/FUL

Erection of public house/restaurant; lodge hotel, hot food takeaway (with drivethrough facilities) and associated works. 

Decision: Consideration deferred to the next meeting to enable further information received on the application to be appraised.

Land Adjacent Oaklands, Holyhead Road, Montford Bridge – 13/00464/OUT

Outline application for the erection of 5 no. detached dwellings and garages (to include access, layout and scale). 

Decision:  Approved, subject to S106 agreement to secure an affordable housing contribution and the extension of the existing footpath to the site – in accordance with the Officer’s recommendations.

8 The Fairways, Condover – 13/00901/FUL

Erection of first floor extension over existing garage and single storey extension. 

Decision: Approved – in accordance with the Officer’s recommendations.

Retail Unit Adjacent Minsterley Garage, Station Road, Minsterley – 13/00987/COU

Change of use from A1 (retail) to A5 (hot food takeaway).

Decision:  Consideration deferred to the next meeting for clarification on whether planning permission 09/00156/COU granted on 21st May 2009 for retail use of the premises had been implemented. 

For further information relating to each of the decisions go to our online planning register and search for an application by using the appropriate reference number or keyword.