Posts by Month: March 2011

89 posts found.

Red Nose Day menu served


A special menu was served at the Column Restaurant at Shirehall in Shrewsbury on Friday 18 March, to mark Red Nose Day 2011.

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Have your say about Shropshire’s transport plans


Shropshire people can now have their say about Shropshire’s transport and highways objectives and policies for the next 15 years.

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Club information evenings


Shropshire Council’s leisure development team is running a series of club information evenings throughout the county

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North planning committee – 15 March 2011


A summary of decisions made by Shropshire Council’s north planning committee at its meeting in Wem on 15 March 2011.

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Schools closed on polling day


A list of schools that will be closed on Thursday 5 May, when they will be used as polling stations.

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Scam warning: callers falsely claiming to be Microsoft workers


Shropshire Council’s trading standards service is warning consumers to be on their guard against fraudsters claiming to be from Microsoft Tech Support.

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Fun-packed activities across Bridgnorth this Easter holiday


Children and young people throughout Bridgnorth and the surrounding area can look forward to fun-packed activities the Easter holiday 2011.

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Healthy eating on the menu

The restaurant and coffee shop at the Shirehall in Shrewsbury have gained the top award in a scheme which recognises efforts to offer diners healthy options.

The restaurant and coffee shop at Shirehall in Shrewsbury have gained the top award in a scheme which recognises efforts to offer diners healthy options.

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Successful prosecution of benefit fraud in Shropshire


A 45-year-old Bridgnorth woman admitted housing and council tax benefit offences, which resulted in her being overpaid £1,731.31

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Joint health committee responds to hospitals consultation


The joint scrutiny committee have studied all the evidence and every detail of the hospitals consultation prior to responding.

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